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Showing posts with the label class 10 evergreen sst

Review of Evergreen Self Study in Social Science Class 10 latest edition 2020-2021 ( Is it good for you or not ?)

Hello Guys  Welcome to my Blog "BEST BOOKS REVIEWER AND  STUDY  TIPS  : AS FROM THE TITLE YOU KNOW THAT THE TOPIC WE HAVE TO DISCUSS TODAY : Review of Evergreen Self Study Class 10 latest edition 2020-2021 ( Is it good for you or not ?) As i say in every blog that be unfair about the content in this blog you get all the point 100% truth and after long research and analysis So in this blog I gonna to tell about the review of evergreen book  In this I will tell: 1.FEATURE OF THE BOOK 2.IS BOOK DOES CONTAIN ALL THE FEATURE EFFFICIENTLY 3.IS WE WANT TO BUY THIS BOOK OR NOT ? 4.BEST PRICE OF IT 5.ABOUT BOOK RATING AND REVIEWS OF OTHER STUDENT WHO MAY BE A TOPPER HERE THE PLUS POINT IS THAT I PROVIDE YOU THE VIDEO FORMAT OF THIS REVIEW VIDEO OF THIS REVIEW SIS ALSO PRESNT IN HINDI SO, LETS  GET STARTED 1 AND 2 . FEATURES OF THIS BOOKS AND ARE THESE FEATURES ARE EFFICIENTLY GIVEN:  *Multiple-choice questions In the book there is MCQ with Objective type question which is necessary for boa